March 12, 2008

Buccaneers Logo

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are a professional football team based in Tampa, Florida. Their first team logo was designed by cartoonist Lamar Sparkman in 1976. He had to really think hard about what it could be so it would not look too much like the Oakland Raiders logo. The original logo he came up with is referred to as "Buccaneer Bruce" which is of a pirate in a plumed hat and a cutlass in his mouth. He had an orange-like face with red everything else and the pirate appeared to be winking.
Finally in 1997, the team worked with the NFL to develop a more marketable and intimidating look in order to improve the teams image. They changed their team colors as well to red, black and orange. "Buccaneer Bruce" was replaced by a red flag with a white pirate skull and crossed sabres. NEW


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