April 26, 2008

Seattle Supersonics Continuously Change Logo

The Seattle Supersonics are a professional basketball team based out of Seattle Washington. They have changed their logo at least three times in the recent years.
I like their current logo the best out of the three. It is similar to the first logo they had from 1975-1995, but is more updated and flashy!

SuperSonics Logo from 1975-1995

SuperSonics Logo from 1995-2001

SuperSonics Logo from 2001-present

April 20, 2008


In the 2000 season an updated version of the New York Giants logo returned as the primary logo of the football team. Giants logos have always centered around three distinct concepts: a "giant" football player in a position to throw a pass, the word "giants" and variations of the initials NY. The "NY" and "Giants" logos have been featured on the teams uniforms over the past 46 years. However, currently the original "GIANTS" script logo does not appear on the teams' uniforms.
It must have inspired the players to do better, because they won the Superbowl XLII which is shown in the video below.

April 18, 2008


The Atlanta Hawks are an American professional basketball team based in Atlanta, Georgia. The Hawks felt that Atlanta is due for a makeover. The Hawks have not had a winning record in the last eight straight seasons. They believe that changing their image will effect them in their future performance. They just changed the colors to make it more fierce.
Atlanta introduced a new secondary logo, which the Hawks describe as a more "modern, sleek, and aggressive version of the previous Hawks' head". The logo is the Hawks' head positioned in a downward motion and will be on the front of the uniform pants and Atlanta's homecourt will feature a new floor with the logo.
"I think we're heading in the right direction," said coach Mike Woodson. "We're trying to build a new image. We've changed uniforms, changing our floor and we're going to add a few more pieces to the young guys we have. "Hopefully that will be enough to get us over the hump in terms of what we do on the floor and making the playoffs."


April 16, 2008

Washington Bullets Change Name To Wizards

Basketball team changes team name and logo due to its "negative connotation".

The Baltimore Bullets changed their name as well as logo to the Washington Wizards in 1996. The 'Bullets' were seen as a connotation to street violence and was deemed inappropriate to the public. Abe Pollin, the club owner who bought the franchise in 1964, stated that "Unfortunately, far too often these days 'bullets' in the news does not have anything to do with basketball. I realized we should consider changing our name."

With an increasing crime rate in the area, it was the seemingly right thing to do. They held a public contest to come up with the new slogan, which the Wizards won at an overwelming rate. Times have changed. Circumstances have changed. The executive vice president of the basketball team, told the public that this is not just a name change. He made public service announcements about violence to schools. He receieved many angry letters but encouraged the public that "the new nickname can reflect strength and courage without representing weapons. Too many public figures, too many children, have been killed already."

The old Bullet logo is below. Does not have any characteristics about guns, but just the name alone questioned many.

April 11, 2008

2012 Olympics Logo Revealed!

The 2012 Olympic games will be held in London, starting July 27th and ending August 12th. The 2012 Paralympic Games will start August 29th and finish September 9th. The debate as to what the logo would be drug on for Lord Coes unveils the logo for the 2012 Olympics in London claiming it is "ambitious, interactive and youth-friendly". For the first time, the logo will be used for the Olympics as well as the Paralympics.

Youth involvement was a key selling-point in helping London win the right to host the Games. A successful logo will bring in sales from merchandise including mugs, t-shirts, hats and sweat suits. I think the new logo is bright and colorful and consumers will be attracted to it!



April 8, 2008

Cleveland Logo Produces Swarm of Racial Protests

The question has always been should baseball's Cleveland Indians change their "red man" MLB logo. The debate has been going on for years. The original intent of the logo was to was to honor a great native american baseball player, Louis Sockalexis. The spectacular athlete played in Cleveland from 1897-99. The mascot is a red-skinned, buck teeth, caricature of an Indian. The whole controversy over the logo first began in 1944 when a large crowd of members of the American Indian Movement flocked into the new stadium to protest the logo. They called it a racial stereotype of real Native Americans. The nickname and its cartoon logo have been criticized for perpetuating Native American stereotypes and from time to time many protests have arisen.
The Blackhawks, Chiefs, Indians, and Redskins are all names of professional sports teams that use "Indians" for their nicknames, logos and mascots. Many high school and college teams also use similar nicknames.

I think their Indian mascot is fine and there is no need to change it. They have had it for years, I believe they should keep it! They are nicknamed "the Tribe" and "the Wahoos".

Protest video #1

April 2, 2008

Syracuse Changes Logo

A couple years ago, all teams at Syracuse changed their nickname as well as their logo. They went from the Orangemen and Orangewomen to just the Orange. It also introduced a new official school logo, teaming with Nike to redesign its major athletic uniforms. The new logo for Syracuse consists of an interlocking S and U that is "aggressive" and depicts "speed and a competitive edge". They put their new logo on all athletic uniforms. Unity and color seem the two biggest aspects of Syracuse's move, as the university wants to stress uniformity throughout its athletics department. With Syracuse as the only NCAA Division I school to have orange as its primary color, many officials felt that unifying each sport under the same hue by name was the right decision.
I personally like the new logo better.