April 16, 2008

Washington Bullets Change Name To Wizards

Basketball team changes team name and logo due to its "negative connotation".

The Baltimore Bullets changed their name as well as logo to the Washington Wizards in 1996. The 'Bullets' were seen as a connotation to street violence and was deemed inappropriate to the public. Abe Pollin, the club owner who bought the franchise in 1964, stated that "Unfortunately, far too often these days 'bullets' in the news does not have anything to do with basketball. I realized we should consider changing our name."

With an increasing crime rate in the area, it was the seemingly right thing to do. They held a public contest to come up with the new slogan, which the Wizards won at an overwelming rate. Times have changed. Circumstances have changed. The executive vice president of the basketball team, told the public that this is not just a name change. He made public service announcements about violence to schools. He receieved many angry letters but encouraged the public that "the new nickname can reflect strength and courage without representing weapons. Too many public figures, too many children, have been killed already."

The old Bullet logo is below. Does not have any characteristics about guns, but just the name alone questioned many.

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